




        UK Ministry of Defence, Wargaming Handbook (Swindon, Wiltshire: The Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, 2017) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/641040/doctrine_uk_wargaming_handbook.pdf

        Matthew B. Caffrey Jr., On Wargaming: How Wargames Have Shaped History and How They May Shape the Future (Newport, Rhode Island: Naval War College Press, 2019)


        Yuna Huh Wong, Sebastian Joon Bae, Elizabeth M. Bartels, Benjamin Smith, Next-Generation Wargaming for the U.S. Marine Corps: Recommended Courses of Action (Washington D.C: RAND Corporation, 2019)https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2227.html#download

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Breaking News: Wargaming Deception Working Group Report

  速報 「欺瞞のウォーゲーム化作業グループ報告書」公表 (Wargaming Deception Working Group Report)   Stephen Downes-Martin博士(米海軍大学)による「欺瞞のウォーゲーム化」作業グループの 報告書 が公表されました。...