



The one example that was not quite national level, but widely discussed was a series of wargames at the naval War College that greatly informed the “Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/nwc-review/vol61/iss1/3/  one example here:


Of course there are lots of “events” that get called wargames or not depending on the current political affinity for the term, but few if any of which would fit Perla’s definition. Many of which are at least “scenario structured speculative case studies” – or “talking about what we might do if we actually played a wargame about (insert challenging polmil situation here).


I do know that the US "Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower" in 2007 was heavily influenced by wargaming. See for example https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1001890.pdf

※ 結局、NWCの教官たちの尽力でウォーゲーミングが Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower の作成に貢献したいうことですね。

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Breaking News: Wargaming Deception Working Group Report

  速報 「欺瞞のウォーゲーム化作業グループ報告書」公表 (Wargaming Deception Working Group Report)   Stephen Downes-Martin博士(米海軍大学)による「欺瞞のウォーゲーム化」作業グループの 報告書 が公表されました。...