
Breaking News! A 2nd Cuban Crisis Matrix Game Played at a Japanese Policy Thinktank!(マトリクス・ゲーム「第二のキューバ危機」実施!)

 Breaking News!
A 2nd Cuban Crisis Matrix Game Played at a Japanese Policy Thinktank!

 In the wake of the recent development in Cuba in terms of its econimic ties with China possibly getting into the military dimension, we simulated a second Cuban crisis by the method of matrix gaming.

 The initial inject began with Chinese "facilities" being transported to Cuba, and in Turn 1, USA, Japan, Russia, China, and Cuba strived to push their policy forward by using DIME (diplomacy, information, military, and economy) cards to achieve their initial national goals over the next 3 years.

 USA failed to prevent the Chinese "facilities " from entering and being deployed in Cuba despite the high capablities of its intelligence center of excellence, and then an escalatory process soon started. Japan failed to anticipate the potetial advent of a second Cuban crisis and did little to offer to Cuba another ecomoic and financial aid package in exchange for Cuba giving up its economic dependence on China.

 In Turn 2, Russia decided to jointly conduct a naval exercise with China near Cuba despite its struggle in Ukraine and the tension just kept going up. At this stage, USA attention, especially US Congress attention, would be preoccupied with the ongoing crisis in its backyard rather than Ukraine and the Middle East...

 And it was obviously just a matter of time before a missile crisis becomes a real nuclear crisis...

 I thank the participants again and espceially Mr. M for writing the background story and the initial inject. Research, scenario design and writing, facilitation and more to come and learn.


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  速報 「欺瞞のウォーゲーム化作業グループ報告書」公表 (Wargaming Deception Working Group Report)   Stephen Downes-Martin博士(米海軍大学)による「欺瞞のウォーゲーム化」作業グループの 報告書 が公表されました。...