
報告:マトリクス・ゲーム「ハイ・ノース Ver. 5(北極海をめぐる地政学・気候変動ゲーム)」日本初実施!(The High North (Ver. 5) Matirix Game Played for the First Time in Japan!)


マトリクス・ゲーム「ハイ・ノース Ver. 5(北極海をめぐる地政学・気候変動ゲーム)」日本初実施!

(The High North (Ver. 5) Matirix Game Played for the First Time in Japan!)

 Tim Price's "The High North" Matrix Game has been played for the very first time in Japan!
 Japan is not an original actor in the game but was added for the obvious reasons with six resource points along with Norway, Canada, and the UK.
 The starting inject was set for Russia (the obvious Red Team) to propose the resumption of the Arctic Council while trying to consolidate its military "assets" it had been planting in the Arctic region despite or all the more for its current tough situation in Ukraine.
 Norway, Canada, the UK, China, the US and Japan all reacted to the porposal by their proposed policy option derived from specific resource cards within their given total resource points based on their initial 10-year strategic goals.
 I am not ready to write up a complete game report here, but I just want to stress that each team made its case very skillfully with the participants' regional and subject matter expertise. I personally believe that this is the very previledge our policy thinktank enjoys and is proud of. Yes, the players do matter in wargaming!



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 コネクションズ情報 コネクションズ・オンライン(ウォーゲーミング専門家会合)2025開催 (Connections Online Professional Wargaming Conference 2025 Info)  今年のコネクションズ・オンラインの開催日及び主題が公表さ...