The Concordia University political science students’ Strategic and Diplomatic Society and the Canadian Centre for Strategic Studies welcome you to their speaker series on the subject of Wargame Design of the Taiwan and Ukraine Conflicts. We have invited the leading simulation designers of the last sixty years, many of whose commercial wargames have anticipated and predicted the outcomes of wars.
Time: 19:00-22:00 Eastern Standard Time
OCT 13 Frank Chadwick
OCT 20 Charles Kamps
OCT 27 John Prados
NOV 3 Mark Herman
NOV 10 Joseph Miranda
NOV 17 David Isby
Format: The special series comprises a 30-minute presentation, followed by a 30 minute questions and answers, a 15 minute break, followed by an hour and 45 minute interactive workshop where the speakers will engage in a free form consideration of simulating important aspects of contemporary conflicts. Contact: Prof Julian Spencer-Churchill, julian.spencer-churchill@concordia.ca
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