
ゲーム情報:台湾侵攻ゲーム「2045」販売開始(Game Info: Taiwan Invasion Board Game "2045" on Sale in Taiwan)



(Taiwan Invasion Board Game "2045" on Sale in Taiwan)

 台北タイムズ紙によると、同ゲームは20年後の世界を想定しており、色とりどりのアクションカードを用いて戦争の様々な難局を克服するRPG型のゲームらしい。開発者は台湾のMizo Gamesで、昨年9月22日にはプレーテストが実施されたという。

 Amid growing concerns over the threat of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, a new board game titled 2045 has been launched in Taiwan.

 According to Taipei Times, the game is set 20 years in the future and takes the form of an RPG-style game where players use colorful action cards to navigate various challenges of war. The game was developed by Mizo Games and a playtest was conducted on September 22 last year.

 If anyone has participated in the playtest, please share any interesting observations and insights about its content or thier gameplay.


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