
速報:伝説的ウォーゲーマーのインタビュー(Breaking News: Interview with a Legend Wargamer)



(Interview with a Legend Wargamer)

 英国戦略軍のブログに、伝説的ウォーゲーマーであるTom Mouat少佐のインタビューが掲載されました。
 同少佐は今年のピーター・パーラ賞(The Peter Perla Wargaming Award)の受賞者であり、日本にマトリクス・ゲームを教えて下さった恩人でもあります。

Interviewer: What is your favourite wargame and why?

Tom: I don't have a favourite game, because if you keep playing in a game that you know how to win, you are simply being a bully, but I do have a few highlights. One game is Advanced Squad Leader, which is hideously complex, and impossible to play in a reasonable time. It serves as a fantastic example of how not to design an effective game for military use.



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