
速報(Breaking News)! Matrix Game "Japan's Cuban Crisis: The Threat Comes from the North" Played at a Japanese Policy Thinktank (マトリクス・ゲーム「日本版キューバ危機:脅威は北方より来(きた)る」試行!)

速報(Breaking News)!

Matrix Game "Japan's Cuban Crisis: The Threat Comes from the North" Played at a Japanese Policy Thinktank


 "Japan's Cuban Crisis" Matrix Game was playtested for the very first time in Tokyo this week.

 Russia deployed an S300V4 SAM system in 2016 on the Chishima Islands and has often been conducting military exercises since then.

 Russia has recently deployed another system despite or all the more for its suffering in Ukraine and reinforced its "defensive posture," but Russia's move seems to go well beyond "defensiveness" and is threatening the security of Hokkaido.

What is Russia's intention? What Japan should do? How would the US, China, and the ROK react?

Again, our policy experts played very seriously and enjoyed the game. Above all, all of us were able to get some sense of how this tough situation would develop. During the AAR, one of the experienced partcipants kindly pointed out a problem with my adjudication regarding cyber attacks. I will revise some of the game rules and try again in a few weeks. Thank you all for your active participation!


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