
Breaking News! Japan's Cuban Crisis Strategic Wargame Version Conducted(日本版「キューバ危機」戦略的ウォーゲーム版実施!)

Breaking News!

Japan's Cuban Crisis Strategic Wargame Version Conducted


 A matrix game version was conducted two weeks ago, but this time a seminar game version (strategic wargame/pol-mil game) was run at our policy thinktank.
 The same scenario/inject was used, but the focus of this time's exercise was for the willing staff members to learn and experience some of the Control work, mainly the arrangement of actors' policy outputs for adjudication in Turn 1 and situation update for Turn 2.
 One of the members was impressively able to get a broader view of the multiple policy response sheets, quickly arranged them and helped me update the situation. Thanks to her, we can now smoothly move on to Turn 2.
 Well, again, Japan is in a dire situation at this initial phase...


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コネクションズ情報:コネクションズ・オンライン(ウォーゲーミング専門家会合)2025開催について(Connections Online Professional Wargaming Conference 2025 Info)

 コネクションズ情報 コネクションズ・オンライン(ウォーゲーミング専門家会合)2025開催 (Connections Online Professional Wargaming Conference 2025 Info)  今年のコネクションズ・オンラインの開催日及び主題が公表さ...