
News Update: Japan's Cuban Crisis Strategic Wargame Version Day 2(日本版「キューバ危機」戦略的ウォーゲーム 版 2日目実施!)

 News Update:

Japan's Cuban Crisis Strategic Wargame Version Day 2

(日本版「キューバ危機」戦略的ウォーゲーム 版 2日目実施!)

 So this is actually Turn 2. It is in January 2024. Japan and the US are now conducting a snap naval exercise to deter Russia from further escalating the situation by adding anything to the deployed military assets on the Norther Terirroties. As planned in the real world, USS George Washington has returned to Japan and is now present.😮 Has Russia received the right message from this?
 China and Russia are now counducting a bilateral joint naval exersise in the Sea of Japan as well as a trilateral exercise with Iran in the Persian Gulf.  China is trying everthing it can to influence people's hearts and minds in Japan, the US, and the rest of the world. What are they really up to when the Israel-Hamas conflict is already dividing US Congress and policy-makers over political and military resource allocation to Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Middle East?
 Will this situation lead to Japan having to act on its own while the US now has to deal with multiple contingencies simultaneously?

 We may find what Russia and China are really up to and how well or badly Jana and the US have acted. By then we should know the result of the upcoming Presidential Election in Taiwan as well...

 As for the main objective of today's policy simulation excise, it was for the Control Team participants to learn how to arrange the multiple policy decisions each team has made, decide if they should be taken or not, and create a new situation based on them for the next phase. It took more time than I expected but they have updated the situation one way or another. Now they are making new inject(s). They seem to be seriously having fun.😌

 Too be continjued.


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コネクションズ情報:コネクションズ・オンライン(ウォーゲーミング専門家会合)2025開催について(Connections Online Professional Wargaming Conference 2025 Info)

 コネクションズ情報 コネクションズ・オンライン(ウォーゲーミング専門家会合)2025開催 (Connections Online Professional Wargaming Conference 2025 Info)  今年のコネクションズ・オンラインの開催日及び主題が公表さ...