
Notification: Connections US Wargaming Conference Proceedings Site(お知らせ:米コネクションズ・ウォーゲーミング会議過去のプロシーディングスのサイト)


Connections US Wargaming Conference Proceedings Site


 Now you can find the past proceedings of US Connections Wargaming Conferences HERE!

 Reviews are also available. Check it out!



Connections US 2024 Wargaming Conference Personal Highlights

 Connections US 2024 Wargaming Conference

Personal Highlights

  • Visiting the US Army Heritage and Education Center (AHEC) , Army War College, for the very firt time!
  • The largest ever! More than 250 participants gathered to talk and wargame.
  • 8 Japanese participants, the largest number ever as well! Pleased to see this blogger's former colleagues!
  • A legendary wargaming pro received the legendary award! TM, one of this blogger's wargaming mentors and the one who came to Japan to teach Matrix Games, received what he deserves.
  • Defeated and briefed on why we lost in TM's Game Lab info game. Yes, lessons learned from one's defeat are even more important than those from his victory! I feel much smarter now!😅
  • Finally, this blogger gave two presentations! Deception-focused wargaming and Imperial Japanese Armed Forces Educational Wargaming. Received great feedback from the audience for both. Both will hopefully be developed into a full paper or some kind of deliverable in the near future.

  • May report more later if necessary.


速報:コネクションズ・ノース(カナダ)2025ウォーゲーミング会議開催日決定!(Breaking News: Connections North 2025 Date Announced)

 速報 コネクションズ・ノース(カナダ)2025ウォーゲーミング会議開催日決定! (Breaking News: Connections North 2025 Date Announced)   コネクションズ・ノース2025ウォーゲーミング会議の日程が公表されました。 日時:2...